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apabila pc di jadikan pakwe

kalau da ngadap pc , otak nih mula hilang habes apa yg aku plan nak bukak .
soooo apa lagi , aku start laa klik sana klik sini , sebab ? nak menghilang kan bosan .
dari satu belog ke satu belog aku bagaikan pegawai ppd buat lawatan kat sekolah .
aku belek san aku belek sini and aku jumpa dua tiga belog yg best ;
and last but not least
semalam balik dari sekolahh nak pegi tusyen pulak , on the way nak masok 'fitting room' i grab my rabbit and bear towel and also not forget i grab my phone , and i saw onemisscalled from abiSYGG ! sooo my plan to go to 'fitting room' terbantot . for twoweeks she diamkan diri , and now mysygg
da balik dari umrah ! i miss u damn soooo much rabiiii !
lama da kita taksembang samasama , makan samasama , pelok samasama , gelak samasama , mandi ......... (xyah nk pikir bukanbukan keyh! HAHA) sendirisendiri laaaa .
miss that time , and now you're back ! okeoke back to the main , soooo i text her "abi , kw da blk ke ?! bilabila ? lme x smbg ngan kw !" then i misscalled her back . setelah berjanggot tunggu (gosh ! luckly , im female !) someone 'hit' my phone , i mean called me . tanpa menjeling , tengok lagilaaa , i pick up my phone and said "helooooo~!" , and the pemanggil reply "helooo !" and i know that's abi , by her voice . kenapa ? sebab suara diaaaa alaala barney bak kata ak nazaruddin . da namanya perempuan , apa lagi we talktalk , tanyakhabar (like-formal-talk) and not forget , we had gossip time ! about ten to twentyminutes , we stop by "k laaa next week jumpe kat sekolah, bye !" and not forget "assalamualaikum" , then aku pon jeling jam , aiyak ! da pukul 8:00 ! sooo ape lagi lari masok my umi's balck wira car . n tadaaa ! sampai kat PTNC pusat-tuisyen-nur-cahaya five minutes before 8:15 . phewwww !
one more story before i prepare for my schoooool termasokla packingbag-strikabaju-mandi .
semalam (20/5) my marSYGG hug me and cry on my shoulder . soooo my reaksi like *openlittlebit my mulut , and ask her "sal weyh ?" . actually mulemule aku takseda yg she's cry , but then someone said "omar" then i ask "sal?". then she'd reply "omaaa mintak couple, tapi mar taknak, pastu omaaa cakap kat satu kelas yg mar sombong" sooo i mumble "omaa bengong !" then , i let her cry tilll loceng sekolah bising . soooo i ask her "nak cite tak?" then she gelenggeleng . then we'll take our haluan and said babai .
oh my god ! 1:21 pm already , and im not prepare for sekolah at all ! oh god ! caucaucaucau .

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